
Lab 1

The purpose of this lab serves to become familiar with the Artemis board and Arduino IDE. The lab requires the following hardware:

The lab consists of the following 6 tasks:

  1. Setting up the Artemis board with the computer.
  2. Blinking the LED on the Artemis board.
  3. Running and viewing the serial monitor.
  4. Testing the temperature sensor.
  5. Testing the microphone.
  6. Configuring the Artemis to turn on an LED when a note of a specific frequency is played.

Task 2

A video showing the blinking LED on the Artemis board is shown below. The basic example file “Example: Blink it Up” was used. The baud rate set was 11250.

Task 3

An image showing the open serial monitor is shown below. The Artemis example file “Example2_Serial” was used.

Task 4

A video showing changes in temperature from the onboard temperature sensor on the Artemis is shown below. The Artemis example file “Example4_analogRead” was used.

Task 5

A video showing the changes in frequency from the onboard microphone on the Artemis board is shown below. The PDM (Pulse Density Modulation) example file “Example1_MicrophoneOutput” was used.

Task 6

A video showing the LED response to the ‘A’ note being played is shown below. The ‘A’ note has a frequency of ~440 Hz.


Lab 1 was straight forward, and I’m looking forward to Lab 2.